A common issue that can occur when installing a WordPress themes is “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.” error message being displayed when uploading or activating the theme.
One of the reasons you may receive this error is if you have uploaded the incorrect file. You have 2 options for downloading your theme.
1. Installable WordPress file only. (below)
2. All files and documentation (full zip folder). You will need to extract and locate the installable WordPress file. (below)
Please make sure you are uploading only the installable theme which is called NameOf Theme.zip. If you upload ALL these files you will receive an error.
Upload the Installable WordPress file admin area
Log in to your WordPress admin area.
Browse to Appearance > Themes.
Click on ‘Add New’.
Click ‘Upload’.
Browse and select the theme zip file to ‘Upload’.
Upload Via FTP
WordPress files can also be uploaded manually via FTP.
Upload the files to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.
Login to your WordPress admin area to change the theme.
Check out the guide on WordPress.org here.
Follow this documentation to import the demo as like this page. After successfully importing the demo content, you will find all the pages in your WordPress admin dashboard’s Pages menu. Find your desired homepage there and start editing this page with Elementor.
Also, you can set your Homepage demo as the Frontpage of your website from Settings > Reading
Cumque montes! Nisl voluptas, eu ipsam primis tempora, nam reiciendis felis vivamus, atque consequat. Provident egestas recusandae nunc? Penatibus donec. Hendrerit aliquid dolore curabitur perferendis massa commodo?
Okay, thank you. When is the next update expected to come out?
One of my plugins is not getting updated and I get this message:
Advanced Custom Fields PRO: Update package not available
This is a package through the theme, how can I fix this?
You can navigate to Plugins > Add New
and click on Upload Plugin
button, choose the zip file and hit upload.
You can use the one-page template as complete documentation for your products. A slider on the top will denote the amount you have studied on the page. A progress overlay on the left column also represents the progress of one topic.
You can press CTRL+F
to search within the document. It will act as the browser does. An instant searching experience. Overall, this is a proper solution if you document is not scattered around multiple pages.
Adipiscing placerat voluptates! Tincidunt dolor, hymenaeos, aliquet dis accusamus at optio penatibus. Porro ullam quos ornare. Ac ipsam, perspiciatis accusamus a aptent repellat urna, consectetuer hymenaeos magnam ridiculus ac nunc?
You can change the copyright text from Theme Settings > Footer > Footer Bottom.
I say do this…